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Richard Kioko

Head of Business Development

+254 722 330381

Corporate Place, Kiambere Road, Upper Hill

​P. O. Box 16328 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

A Bit About Me

Richard is an ardent reader of varied subjects with a bias towards History and thought-stimulating literature.  In his spare time, he engages in community development work by offering free legal advisory to members of society on a need basis. A keen enthusiast of football and rhumba music, Richards spends his free time engaging his brains with emergent trends as well as keen analysis of events shaping those areas of interest.

Richard Musyoki Kioko – Head of Business Development

"My motivation is to always tell the client the truth and guide them on their quest for justice."
The MNM Law Team

Professional Expertise

Richard Kioko is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, with over Twenty-one years (21) of high-quality practice in commercial, civil, criminal and public law litigation. He has handled various contentious banking and company litigation, industrial and labour disputes, consumer protection and professional negligence claims, judicial review, subrogation recoveries and other insurance-related litigation.

Richard has in-depth experience in procurement laws and has guided and advised our clients in all aspects of procurement including procurement planning processes, tender preparation, evaluation and contract award. He represents our clients in disputes relating to procurement at the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board. He has particular expertise in matters of medical malpractice by individual Medical practitioners or Medical Institutions both at the Medical Practitioners and Dentist Board and in Court. He represents our clients in various dispute resolution forums such as tribunals and courts on matters relating to the acquisition, ownership and utilization of Land.

Richard is an expert on the various laws and practices that govern family relationships including marriage, children, divorce and succession and he handles many matters regarding divorce, child custody and maintenance, preparation of wills, application for letters of administration and probate. He also assists our clients in keeping up to date with the judicial pronouncements that affect their specific areas of operations.


Richard is also a Commissioner for Oaths and Notary Public. He is a member of the Law Society of Kenya (LSK), the East Africa Law Society (EALS) and the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply.

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